英国签证系统修改 青少年留学无影响
中英网 www.uker.net 2010-12-19 来源: 互联网 作者: 佚名
2010年12月7日,英国内政部在官网上发布最新的签证信息,标题为Government sets out proposals for major reform of the student visa system (中文意思是政府提议修改学生签证系统),所以并不是像一些网站上写的己经修改完成。同时我后附的文件中也明确写明,政府会用8周咨询时间向公众收集信息,收集时间至2011年1月31日止(常规是12周咨询期),正常会在明年发布具体政策。此次修改的内容,对中国学生有影响的部分包括:
reducing the number of people coming to the UK to study at below degree level;
introducing a tougher English language requirement;
ensuring students wishing to extend their studies show evidence of academic progression;
The new proposals could see Tier 4 - students coming to the UK under the points- based system - restricted to those studying largely degree level courses and to child students, unless the institution is a Highly Trusted Sponsor. English language competence could become the key indicator of someone's eligibility to complete a higher level course and all Tier 4 applicants will have to pass a secure English language test showing competence at intermediary level B2, a step up from the B1 currently required.
新系统将限制成年人就读本科以下课程,除非是拥有high trusted soponsor(高等级资质)的学校。另外,签证的语言要求也将从目前的B1(雅思4.0)提高到B2(雅思4.5)。