中英网 www.uker.net 2017-01-10 来源: 转载 编辑: lina
据不完全统计,在2016年的雅思听力考试中,2月13日的Section 3题型为单选+配对;
2月27日的Section 3题型为单选+配对;
3月5日的Section 3题型为填空+单选+配对;
6月25日的Section 2题型为配对+选择,Section 3为单选+配对;
8月27日的Section 3题型为多选+配对。
以Cambridge 5 Test 4 Section 3为例,建议雅思烤鸭首先抓住顺序性原则,以题干为基础,Q28-30的题目均是人名,不会出现同义词替换,定位非常容易。
Which opinion doeseach person express about Box Telecom?
Choose your answersfrom the box and write the letters A-F next to questions 28-30.
A its workers are motivated
B it has too little investment
C it will overcome its problems
D its marketing campaign needs improvement
E it is old-fashioned
F it has strong managers
28Karin ....................
29Jason ....................
30the tutor ....................
Karin: Yes, I think I can dothat. Personally I’ve got great hopes for it. I think it will recover (28).
根据说话的人确定是Karin,烤鸭们记下的词应该是recover,那么,回顾选项,我们会发现C选项里的overcome its problems解释了recover。
Thatadvertising campaign they did was very innovative with their products-they setnew trends. The company’s got to recover, don't you think, Jason?
Jason:Hmmm-I’m not sure. Ithink it ca but it’s not a forgone conclusion unless they manage to attract theright level of investment. The company definitely needs a boost(29)
根据说话的人确定是Jason,烤鸭们首先定位到investment,然后记下need a boost,那么,我们会发现B选项里的too littleinvestment正好匹配。
and to attract more highly skilledworkers if their recovery is to be long-lasting. When I was talking to themarketing manager he said to me that he thinks the company had got a greatmanagement team-but he would say that, wouldn’t he?- but they are sufferingfrom having to work with outdated production machinery and that could cost alot to put right.
Tutor:Well, personally, l think the stock market is toblame. I think they were expecting too much of the company and then inevitablyit looked had when it didn't perform. The market should have had more realisticexpectations.And I disagree with you about the advertising campaign Karin.That’s where they could do with some innovation(30)
- to get sales kick-started.Anyway, let’s see what you come up with… (fade)
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