中英网 www.uker.net 2017-07-11 来源: 纽卡斯尔大学官网 作者: lina
英国纽卡斯尔大学(Newcastle University)2018《CUG》艺术专业排名第一,《卫报》艺术专业排名第二,因此,想要申请艺术留学的中国学生可以选择纽卡斯尔大学。
Undergraduate Degrees 2018 Entry
Accounting and Finance
Accounting and Finance BA Honours (N400/N401)
Accounting and Finance BSc Honours (N402/N404) - London campus
Mathematics and Accounting BSc Honours (NG41)
Business Accounting and Finance BA Honours (NN14)
Business and Management International Foundation
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Agri-Business Management
Agri-Business Management BSc Honours (N280)
Business and Management International Foundation
Food Business Management and Marketing BSc Honours (ND61)
Agri-Business Management BSc Honours (N280)
Agriculture BSc Honours (D400)
Agriculture with Agronomy BSc Honours (D444)
Agriculture with Animal Production Science BSc Honours (D422)
Agriculture with Farm Business Management BSc Honours (D402)
Applied Plant Science BSc Honours (C211)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Ancient History
Ancient History BA Honours (V110)
Ancient History and Archaeology BA Honours (VV14)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Animal Science
Animal Science BSc Honours (C305)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Ancient History and Archaeology BA Honours (VV14)
Archaeology BA Honours (V400)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
History and Archaeology BA Honours (VV41)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Architecture BA Honours (K100)
Architecture and Urban Planning BA Honours (K190)
Architecture International Foundation
Architecture International Year One
Biochemistry BSc Honours (C700)
Biochemistry (Integrated Master's) MSci Honours (C701)
Biology and Zoology
Applied Plant Science BSc Honours (C211)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Biology BSc Honours (C100)
Biology MBiol Honours (C103)
Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology) BSc Honours (C1C7)
Biology (Cellular and Molecular Biology) MBiol Honours (C7C1)
Biology (Ecology and Conservation) BSc Honours (C182)
Biology (Ecology and Conservation) MBiol Honours (C183)
Biology and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (CC18) 2017 ENTRY
Psychology and Biology BSc Joint Honours (C8C1) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Zoology BSc Honours (C300)
Zoology MBiol Honours (C301)
Biomedical and Biomolecular Sciences
Biochemistry BSc Honours (C700)
Biochemistry (Integrated Master's) MSci Honours (C701)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Biomedical Genetics BSc Honours (B901)
Biomedical Genetics (Integrated Master's) MSci Honours (B903)
Biomedical Sciences BSc Honours (B940)
Biomedical Sciences (Integrated Master's) MSci Honours (B900)
Medical Science (Deferred Choice) BSc Honours (B902)
Pharmacology BSc Honours (B210)
Physiological Sciences BSc Honours (B100)
Business Management
Agri-Business Management BSc Honours (N280)
Business and Management International Foundation
Business International Year One
Business Management BA Honours (N200)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Economics and Business Management BA Honours (LN12)
Food Business Management and Marketing BSc Honours (ND61)
International Business Management BSc Honours (N120/N121)
International Business Management BSc Honours (N122/N123) - London campus
International Marketing and Management BSc Honours (N5N2/N5N3) - London campus
Marketing and Management BSc Honours (NN52)
Chemical Engineering
Chemical Engineering BEng Honours (H810)
Chemical Engineering MEng Honours (H813)
Chemical Engineering with Bioprocess Engineering MEng Honours (H831)
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H814)
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H816)
Chemical Engineering with Industry MEng Honours (H815)
Chemical Engineering with Process Control MEng Honours (H830)
Chemical Engineering with Sustainable Engineering MEng Honours (HH82)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Chemistry BSc Honours (F100)
Chemistry MChem Honours (F103)
Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) BSc Honours (F102)
Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) MChem Honours (F106)
Chemistry (with Study Abroad) MChem Honours (F107)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry BSc Honours (F151)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry MChem Honours (F123)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) BSc Honours (F122)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Industrial Training Year) MChem Honours (F124)
Chemistry with Medicinal Chemistry (with Study Abroad) MChem Honours (F156)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering
Civil Engineering BEng Honours (H200)
Civil Engineering MEng Honours (H290)
Civil Engineering with Year in Industry BEng Honours (H205)
Civil Engineering with Year in Industry MEng Honours (H295)
Civil Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H201)
Civil Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H291)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Civil and Structural Engineering
Civil and Structural Engineering BEng Honours (H210)
Civil and Structural Engineering MEng Honours (H242)
Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry BEng Honours (H206)
Civil and Structural Engineering with Year in Industry MEng Honours (H296)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Civil and Surveying Engineering
Civil and Surveying Engineering BEng Honours (H202)
Civil and Surveying Engineering MEng Honours (H292)
Civil and Surveying Engineering with Year in Industry BEng Honours (H208)
Civil and Surveying Engineering with Year in Industry MEng Honours (H298)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Classics and Ancient History
Ancient History BA Honours (V110)
Ancient History and Archaeology BA Honours (VV14)
Classical Studies BA Honours (Q810)
Classical Studies and English BA Honours (QQ83)
Classics BA Honours (Q800)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Combined Honours
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Computing Science
Computer Science
Computer Science BSc Honours (G400)
Computer Science MComp Honours (G405)
Computer Science (Study Abroad) MComp Honours (G406)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement BSc Honours (G401)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement MComp Honours (I100)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Computer Science (Bio-Computing) BSc Honours (I520)
Computer Science (Bio-Computing) MComp Honours (I522)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Bio-Computing) BSc Honours (I521)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Bio-Computing) MComp Honours (I524)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Game Engineering
Computer Science (Game Engineering) BSc Honours (G450)
Computer Science (Game Engineering) MComp Honours (I610)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) BSc Honours (G451)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Game Engineering) MComp Honours (I612)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Human-Computer Interaction
Computer Science (Human-Computer Interaction) BSc Honours (I140)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Human-Computer Interaction) BSc Honours (I141)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Mobile and Distributed Systems
Computer Science (Mobile and Distributed Systems) BSc Honours (G420)
Computer Science (Mobile and Distributed Systems) MComp Honours (I120)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Mobile and Distributed Systems) BSc Honours (G421)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Mobile and Distributed Systems) MComp Honours (I122)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Security and Resilience
Computer Science (Security and Resilience) BSc Honours (I190)
Computer Science (Security and Resilience) MComp Honours (I192)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Security and Resilience) BSc Honours (I191)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Security and Resilience) MComp Honours (I194)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Software Engineering
Computer Science (Software Engineering) BSc Honours (G600)
Computer Science with Industrial Placement (Software Engineering) BSc Honours (G603)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Dental Surgery BDS Honours (A206)
Oral and Dental Health Sciences BSc Honours (A207)
Earth Science
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Earth Science BSc Honours (F641)
Earth Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (F646)
Earth Science MEarthSci Honours (F640)
Earth Science with Year in Industry MEarthSci Honours (F645)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Business and Management International Foundation
Economics BSc Honours (L100)
Economics and Business Management BA Honours (LN12)
Economics and Finance BSc Honours (L161)
Mathematics and Economics BSc Honours (GL11)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Politics and Economics BA Honours (LL21)
Education BA Honours (X390)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Electrical and Electronic Engineering
Automation and Control BEng Honours (H660)
Automation and Control with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H661)
Digital Electronics BEng Honours (H990)
Digital Electronics with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H991)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering BEng Honours (H607)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H604)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H606)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H605)
Electrical Power Engineering BEng Honours (H623)
Electrical Power Engineering with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H622)
Electronic Communications BEng Honours (H640)
Electronic Communications with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H621)
Electronics and Computer Engineering BEng Honours (H652)
Electronics and Computer Engineering with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H654)
Microelectronic Engineering BEng Honours (H611)
Microelectronic Engineering with Industrial Project MEng Honours (H612)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
English Literature, Language and Linguistics
Classical Studies and English BA Honours (QQ83)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
English Literature and History BA Honours (QV31)
English Language BA Honours (Q302)
English Language and Literature BA Honours (Q300)
English Literature BA Honours (Q306)
English Literature with Creative Writing BA Honours (QW38)
Linguistics BA Honours (Q100)
Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese BA Honours (Q1T4)
Linguistics with French BA Honours (Q1R1)
Linguistics with German BA Honours (Q1R2)
Linguistics with Spanish BA Honours (Q1R4)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA Honours (QT19)
Environmental and Rural Studies
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Countryside Management BSc Honours (D455)
Environmental Science BSc Honours (F850)
Environmental Science with Placement BSc Honours (F851)
Environmental Sciences (Agricultural and Environmental Science) MEnvSci Honours (F8D4)
Environmental Sciences (Agricultural and Environmental Science) with Placement MEnvSci Honours (FD84)
Environmental Sciences (Clean Technology) MEnvSci Honours (F8H8)
Environmental Sciences (Clean Technology) with Placement MEnvSci Honours (FH88)
Environmental Sciences (Ecosystem Management) MEnvSci Honours (F8C1)
Environmental Sciences (Ecosystem Management) with Placement MEnvSci Honours (FC81)
Environmental Sciences (Environmental Geochemistry) MEnvSci Honours (F8F6)
Environmental Sciences (Environmental Geochemistry) with Placement MEnvSci Honours (FF86)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Rural Studies BSc Honours (D452)
Sport and Exercise Science BSc Honours (C600)
Film Studies
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Film and Media BA Honours (P303)
Film Practices BA Honours (P313)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Fine Art
Fine Art BA Honours (W150)
Foundation Year
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H814)
Chemical Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H816)
Civil Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H201)
Civil Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H291)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H604)
Electrical and Electronic Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H606)
Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H101)
Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H103)
Marine Technology with Foundation Year BEng Honours (J615)
Marine Technology with Foundation Year MEng Honours (J616)
Mathematical Sciences with Foundation Year BSc Honours (G101)
Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H304)
Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H305)
Physics with Foundation Year BSc Honours (F304)
Physics with Foundation Year MPhys Honours (F305)
Biomedical Genetics BSc Honours (B901)
Biomedical Genetics (Integrated Master's) MSci Honours (B903)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Geographic Information Science BSc Honours (F862)
Geographic Information Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (F867)
Geography BSc Honours (F800)
Geography BA Honours (L701)
Geography and Planning BA Honours (LK74)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Physical Geography BSc Honours (FH82)
Surveying and Mapping Science BSc Honours (H244)
Surveying and Mapping Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (H249)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Geographic Information Science BSc Honours (F862)
Geographic Information Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (F867)
Physical Geography BSc Honours (FH82)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Surveying and Mapping Science BSc Honours (H244)
Surveying and Mapping Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (H249)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
English Literature and History BA Honours (QV31)
History BA Honours (V100)
History and Archaeology BA Honours (VV41)
Politics and History BA Honours (VL12)
History of Art
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Fine Art BA Honours (W150)
International Foundation
Architecture International Foundation
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Business and Management International Foundation
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
International Year One
Architecture International Year One
Business International Year One
Journalism, Media and Culture BA Honours (P500)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Business and Management International Foundation
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Law LLB Honours (M101)
Linguistics BA Honours (Q100)
Linguistics with Chinese or Japanese BA Honours (Q1T4)
Linguistics with French BA Honours (Q1R1)
Linguistics with German BA Honours (Q1R2)
Linguistics with Spanish BA Honours (Q1R4)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA Honours (QT19)
Marine Sciences
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Marine Biology BSc Honours (C161)
Marine Biology and Oceanography BSc Honours (CF17)
Marine Zoology BSc Honours (C350)
Marine Technology
Marine Technology with Foundation Year BEng Honours (J615)
Marine Technology with Foundation Year MEng Honours (J616)
Marine Technology with Marine Engineering BEng Honours (H504)
Marine Technology with Marine Engineering MEng Honours (H501)
Marine Technology with Naval Architecture BEng Honours (H502)
Marine Technology with Naval Architecture MEng Honours (H503)
Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering BEng Honours (H355)
Marine Technology with Offshore Engineering MEng Honours (H356)
Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology BEng Honours (H520)
Marine Technology with Small Craft Technology MEng Honours (H524)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Business International Year One
Business and Management International Foundation
Food Business Management and Marketing BSc Honours (ND61)
International Marketing and Management BSc Honours (N5N2/N5N3) - London campus
Marketing BSc Honours (N500)
Marketing and Management BSc Honours (NN52)
Nutrition with Food Marketing BSc Honours (BD46)
Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement BSc Honours (BD64)
Mathematics and Statistics
Mathematics and Accounting BSc Honours (NG41)
Mathematics and Economics BSc Honours (GL11)
Mathematical Sciences with Foundation Year BSc Honours (G101)
Mathematics BSc Honours (G100)
Mathematics MMath Honours (G103)
Mathematics and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (CG81) 2017 ENTRY
Mathematics and Statistics BSc Honours (GG13)
Mathematics and Statistics MMathStat Honours (GGC3)
Mathematics with Finance BSc Honours (G1N3)
Mathematics with Management BSc Honours (G1N2)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Psychology and Mathematics BSc Joint Honours (C8G1) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Statistics BSc Honours (G300)
Mechanical and Systems Engineering
Mechanical and Low Carbon Transport Engineering MEng Honours (H390)
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering BEng Honours (HH73)
Mechanical Design and Manufacturing Engineering MEng Honours (HH37)
Mechanical Engineering BEng Honours (H300)
Mechanical Engineering MEng Honours (H301)
Mechanical Engineering with Biomedical Engineering MEng Honours (H3H8)
Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year BEng Honours (H304)
Mechanical Engineering with Foundation Year MEng Honours (H305)
Mechanical Engineering with Mechatronics MEng Honours (H3H6)
Mechanical Engineering with Energy MEng Honours (H3H2)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Film and Media BA Honours (P303)
Film Practices BA Honours (P313)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Journalism, Media and Culture BA Honours (P500)
Media, Communication and Cultural Studies BA Honours (PQL0)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Medicine and Surgery MB BS Honours (A100)
Medicine and Surgery (Accelerated Programme) MB BS Honours (A101)
Modern Languages
Chinese Studies OR Japanese Studies BA Honours (TT12)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Modern Languages BA Honours (T901)
Modern Languages and Business Studies BA Honours (TN92)
Modern Languages and Linguistics BA Honours (QT19)
Modern Languages, Translation and Interpreting (R9Q9)
Spanish, Portuguese and Latin American Studies BA Honours (RT47)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Contemporary and Popular Music BA Honours (W301)
Folk and Traditional Music BA Honours (W344)
Music BMus Honours (W304)
Music BA Honours (W300)
Nutrition and Food
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Food and Human Nutrition BSc Honours (B46D)
Food and Human Nutrition with Placement BSc Honours (B4D6)
Food Business Management and Marketing BSc Honours (ND61)
Nutrition and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (BC48) 2017 ENTRY
Nutrition with Food Marketing BSc Honours (BD46)
Nutrition with Food Marketing with Placement BSc Honours (BD64)
Psychology and Nutrition BSc Joint Honours (C8B4) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Pharmacology BSc Honours (B210)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Pharmacy MPharm Honours (B230)
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Philosophy BA Honours (V500)
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Physics BSc Honours (F300)
Physics MPhys Honours (F303)
Physics with Foundation Year BSc Honours (F304)
Physics with Foundation Year MPhys (F305)
Theoretical Physics BSc Honours (F345)
Theoretical Physics MPhys Honours (F344)
Physiological Sciences
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Physiological Sciences BSc Honours (B100)
Business and Management International Foundation
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Government and European Union Studies BA Honours (L241)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Politics BA Honours (L200)
Politics and Economics BA Honours (LL21)
Politics and History BA Honours (VL12)
Politics and Sociology BA Honours (LL32)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Biology and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (CC18) 2017 ENTRY
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Mathematics and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (CG81) 2017 ENTRY
Nutrition and Psychology BSc Joint Honours (BC48) 2017 ENTRY
Psychology BSc Honours (C800)
Psychology and Biology BSc Joint Honours (C8C1) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Psychology and Mathematics BSc Joint Honours (C8G1) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Psychology and Nutrition BSc Joint Honours (C8B4) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science BSc Joint Honours (C8C6) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Combined Honours BA Honours (Y001)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Politics and Sociology BA Honours (LL32)
Sociology BA Honours (L300)
Speech and Language Sciences
Speech and Language Sciences BSc Honours (B620) 2017 ENTRY
Speech and Language Therapy BSc Honours (B621) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Master of Speech and Language Sciences MSc Honours (B62M) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Sport and Exercise Science
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Psychology and Sport and Exercise Science BSc Joint Honours (C8C6) NEW FOR 2018 ENTRY
Sport and Exercise Science BSc Honours (C600)
Surveying and Mapping Science
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Physical Sciences and Engineering International Foundation
Surveying and Mapping Science BSc Honours (H244)
Surveying and Mapping Science with Year in Industry BSc Honours (H249)
Urban Planning
Architecture and Urban Planning BA Honours (K190)
Architecture International Foundation
Architecture International Year One
Geography and Planning BA Honours (LK74)
Humanities and Social Sciences International Foundation
Master of Planning MPlan Honours (K400)
Urban Planning BA Honours (K421)
Biological and Biomedical Sciences International Foundation
Marine Zoology BSc Honours (C350)
Zoology BSc Honours (C300)
Zoology MBiol Honours (C301)