2018罗德奖学金已开放申请 中国地区10月截止
中英网 www.uker.net 2017-09-19 来源: UKER Top News 编辑: lina
中英网9月19日讯 牛津大学(University of Oxford)2018罗德奖学金现已开放申请,有需要的同学抓紧时间递交申请!
罗德奖学金(又译:罗德兹奖学金或罗氏奖学金;英语:Rhodes Scholarships)是一个于1902年设立的国际性研究生奖学金项目,每年挑选各国已完成本科的菁英生(得奖者获称为“罗德学者”)前往牛津大学进修。
The Rhodes Scholarships for China
These Scholarships are supported by the Li Ka Shing Foundation and other generous benefactors.
There are four Rhodes Scholarships offered to mainland Chinese citizens each year, and the first Chinese Scholars arrived in Oxford as part of the Class of 2016
Opening date: 1 June 2017
Closing date: Applications for China must be received by midnight, 14 October 2017 (China Standard Time)